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Writersphere – Prompts – 4-7-15

7 April 2015 No Comment

So, the first quarter of the year has passed, and the word counts should be looking pretty good for everyone. How’d you do? I’m just 4k shy of my own goal for the end of March so I’ll have to make it up in the coming months.

If things would ever just settle down for twenty minutes, I might take that coffee break.

For Journalling:

Has spring sprung where you are, or are you still trudging through occasional flurries and scraping ice off the windshield every morning? What is the first spring activity you’re going to do, the moment you get the chance?

For Fiction:

Title: History Repeats
Characters: Couple in their 90s
Setting: Front porch, sun setting, two chairs & a table

What do these two talk about while watching the setting sun? You’ve got 1000 words to tell us!



Spring Sunset by HarDMuD on DeviantArt


Get ready for #writeclub on Friday, follow @FriNightWrites to join in the fun!

’til next time…
<3 JL

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